Unite Medical® offers PDAC consulting services for companies or individuals looking to identify the proper Healthcare Common Procedure Code (HCPC) for their Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and/or Supplies (DMEPOS) for purposes of Medicare billing.
Manufacturers and suppliers are reminded that a number of items require coding verification review by the PDAC contractor. As noted in the Local Coverage Determinations (LCD) and related Policy Articles that include these codes, claims for these HCPCS codes will be denied if the products requiring coding verification review are not listed on the PDAC Product Classification List. Coding decisions are updated frequently. Suppliers should refer to the Product Classification List often to ensure DMEPOS items billed have been coded by the PDAC. The Product Classification List is located on Durable Medical Equipment Coding System (DMECS) which is located on the PDAC website.
Unite Medical®, LLC makes no claims or guarantees to the availability of reimbursement for the products reviewed. It is at the sole discretion of the customer to determine whether the use of their product complies with medical necessity standards and meets the proper documentation requirements of the payer.
Contact us to learn more!